Kindergarten Information
Welcome to kindergarten and to the beginning of your child’s journey through the Region 10 Schools. Entering kindergarten is an exciting time for every child. We look forward to working with your child in an engaging and positive educational setting.
This page is designed to provide you with some of the practical information that pertains to our schools and kindergarten program. There is additional information about our schools on our websites and in our student/parent handbooks, which can be found on the HCS & LGS websites. (,
Our kindergarten staff is dedicated, knowledgeable and hard working. They continuously strive to meet the varied needs of children. It is our goal to provide a quality learning experience that is child centered. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure that your child has a positive and rewarding experience in kindergarten and in the years ahead.
The Harwinton Consolidated School & Lake Garda School Staff and Administration
- Kindergarten Approaches to Learning
- Getting Ready for Kindergarten
- Getting to Know Your Child
- Typical Kindergarten Day
- Home/School Communication
- Health Information
- Frequently Asked Questions
Kindergarten Approaches to Learning
The Regional School District #10 philosophy regarding kindergarten is derived from established theories of child development.
- This developmental focus recognizes varying levels and rates of individual physical, social, emotional, intellectual and creative growth.
- Instruction is designed to meet students’ needs, as well as foster enthusiasm for learning.
- Play is integrated into learning activities throughout the day.
Getting Ready for Kindergarten
Below you will find listed some skills and behaviors your child can practice to help ensure a successful start to kindergarten. In addition, the State of Connecticut provides this What Parents Should Know About Kindergarten document to help answer your questions.
- Practice sharing, taking turns, and cooperating with others.
- Practice self-help skills. (Using bathroom, washing hands, dressing self, zipping zippers, buttoning buttons, cleaning up after self, using tissues, and asking for help when needed.)
- Practice following simple directions/rules.
- Practice recognizing his/her name in print. (This will help your child find their cubby, coat hook, etc.)
- Practice using scissors, glue, markers, pencils, and crayons.
- Look at books, listen to stories, practice nursery rhymes and rhyming songs.
- Practice recognizing some letters, letter sounds, and numbers.
- Try new things and meet and interact with other children and adults when possible.
Getting to Know Your Child
We are committed to getting your child off to a positive start in kindergarten! Families are asked to complete a developmental questionnaire based on their child's skills and interests. The information you provide will be reviewed and shared with your child's kindergarten teacher. Please help us get to know your child before they step into their classroom on the first day of school!
Typical Kindergarten Day
Kindergarten schedules will vary, but the typical day will include the following. Teachers will share specific classroom schedules and routines during the first few weeks of school.
- Arrival & Morning Meeting
- Writing Workshop
- Snack
- Phonics Workshop
- Reading Workshop
- Read Aloud/Shared Reading
- Recess & Lunch
- Math Lesson and Work Places (game-based application of math skills/concepts)
- Specials: Art, Music, Health/PE, or Library
- Science, Social Studies
- Dismissal
Home/School Communication
- Regular communication with parents and guardians is essential to student success in Regional School District 10 Schools. Resources such as our district and school website, parent notification system, and emails enhance our ability to communicate in an effective and timely manner.
- Communication is the key to a successful kindergarten program. Our kindergarten teachers use email and the Seesaw app to communicate with families. You will learn more about the app from your child’s teacher.
- Teachers have formal conferences with parents twice a year but are always available to discuss each child’s progress.
- Parents and teachers are partners in the educational process. Working together we will provide the best possible educational program for your child.
- If you have questions, comments, or concerns about your child or the kindergarten program, please contact your child’s school.
- Harwinton Consolidated School, 860-485-9029
- Lake Garda School, 860-673-2511
Health Information
Connecticut state law requires primary immunizations and a complete physical examination within a year prior to the first day of school. A hemoglobin or hematocrit must be included in the assessment as well as a complete current immunization record. Month, day and year of immunization are necessary for the health records. A basic vision and auditory screen should also be performed as well as a complete dental exam. This information should be recorded on the State of Connecticut Health Assessment Record (click here), signed by the physician, and sent to the nurse prior to the first day of school. Students cannot begin kindergarten until this form is returned to the school nurse.
Immunization requirements for school entry are:
DTaP: At least 4 doses with the last dose given on or after 4th birthday.
POLIO (IPV): At least 3 doses with the last dose given on or after 4th birthday.
MMR: 2 doses separated by at least 28 days with the first dose on or after 1st birthday.
HEP A: 2 doses given six calendar months apart with first dose on or after 1st birthday.
HEP B: 3 doses. The last dose given on or after 24 weeks of age.
PNEUMOCOCCAL (PCV): Children less than 5 years of age on entry need at least one dose on or after 1st birthday.
HIB: Children less than 5 years of age on entry need at least one dose on or after 1st birthday.
Varicella (chicken pox): 2 doses separated by at least 3 months with first dose on or after 1st birthday OR verification of disease.
Students having difficulty obtaining a physical due to lack of medical insurance should contact The Husky Plan – toll free at 1-877-284-8759.
Listed below are communicable diseases, which must be reported to the school nurse, and the length of time the pupil should be excluded from school:
Chicken Pox – until all scabs have dried.
Conjunctivitis (pink eye) – 24 hours after antibiotic treatment and no purulent drainage.
COVID 19 - Please review the current COVID attendance guidelines provided by the district/school. Notify the nurse if your child or any member of the household has COVID symptoms or is being tested for COVID.
Fever – children must be fever free for 24-hours without the use of fever reducing medications before returning to school.
Streptococcal infections of the upper respiratory tract - until clinical recovery or a minimum of 24 hours after the onset of antibiotic treatment.
Ringworm – until treated
Scabies – until treated
Impetigo – until treatment has been started and all scabs have dried.
Vomiting and Diarrhea – 24 hours since the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea.
Diseases such as infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, etc. require a physician’s certificate before returning to school.
Medication, including prescription and nonprescription drugs, may be administered at school with the written medication order of an authorized prescriber, the written authorization of the student's parent or guardian and the written permission of a parent for the exchange of information between the prescriber and the school nurse necessary to ensure safe administration of such medication. This is the form that needs to be completed and returned to the school nurse: click here
Students cannot carry medication on the bus. Families need to drop medications off at the health office.
Parents will be notified if a child becomes ill at school and needs to go home. Emergency contact information, including home, cell and work phone numbers of parents and the names and phone numbers of two other individuals to contact in case of emergency are required for this purpose.
Parents are requested to list instructions to be followed in the event of a medical emergency. Please do not send children to school if they are ill, especially if they have had a fever the previous evening or in the morning prior to coming to school.
Frequently Asked Questions
When will I find out who my child’s teacher is?
You will receive information about your child’s class placement in August. Teachers often follow-up with a letter introducing themselves to your child before school starts.
How will I find out bus numbers and routes?
A detailed student transportation record is kept in the main office at each school. You will receive an email from Region 10 during the summer asking you to complete your child’s registration information and outline their weekly transportation arrangements before the start of the school year. Please submit this information as soon as possible. This information is critical for the assignment of bus routes. It is important to notify the office of any changes in your child’s schedule during the school year so that our files remain current at all times.
Bus routes and stops are developed to maximize safety and efficiency. To this end, the Board of Education may accommodate one permanent Monday through Friday pick-up and drop-off schedule for each child per school year provided it is along established bus routes. In the event a permanent change to a pick-up and drop-off schedule is needed during a school year, a written request must be submitted to the school principal at least three weeks in advance of such change. School administrators and office personnel will work with families to support last minute emergencies that impact childcare arrangements and transportation. (Region 10 BOE Policy 3541.2)
Region 10 contracts with All Star Transportation for bus service. Bus routes are available on the Region 10 website at the end of August:
All Star Transportation can be reached at 860-605-9285
What should my child wear to school?
Your child should wear comfortable clothes. Children are happier and more secure when they can manage their clothing without assistance, i.e., when boots fit properly, when zippers are workable, when buttons are manageable, etc. It is important that your child wears sneakers on the days that they are scheduled for PE. Children go out to recess regularly and appropriate outside clothing is necessary. Labeling outerwear and sweatshirts/sweaters with your child’s name is essential.
What supplies should my child bring to school?
We request that every child bring a regular-size backpack each day to carry notes, paper and books to and from school. Also, have your child’s name written on the bag to identify it easily. Make it a daily routine to check your child’s backpack as there will often be materials or information that will be important for you to see. All other required supplies are provided by Region 10, though teachers may make suggestions of other helpful items that you can provide for your child at the start of the school year.
Where can I find the school calendar?
The Region 10 school calendars for the current year and upcoming year(s) are available on the district website, under the 'District Information' menu,
Building calendars can be accessed on the homepages of their websites.
Can my kindergarten student buy lunch?
Yes. We ask that our kindergarten students bring lunch to school during the first week of school. During the second week of school kindergarten students usually start buying lunch. Your school/teacher will let you know when they can begin.
Information about Nutrition Services, including cafeteria menus, is located under the 'Parents' menu of the district website, where you will also find information about the free/reduced meals program,
What are the policies related to snacks?
Details about how snacks are managed in your child’s classroom will be sent home by your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school year.
The Region 10 Board of Education has established a wellness policy. We ask that you assist us in promoting healthy lifestyles by sending healthy snacks to school such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain crackers, etc. Children are not allowed to share food at any time.
How are school delays and closings announced?
Early morning inclement weather closings and delays will be sent to the parent/guardian email address and phone number on file. Parent Notification System messages are also sent to registered email addresses and phone numbers for early dismissals.
When will I be able to confer with my child’s teacher about his/her progress in school?
Parents are encouraged to contact the classroom teacher at any time during the school year. Two scheduled parent-teacher conferences are held: one during November, and the second during March. Progress reports are shared with families three times each year – November, March and June.
What if I have other questions?
The district’s parent webpage,, is a good place to look for additional information. You can also refer to the HCS or LGS website.