Visual & Performing Arts
The Visual & Performing Arts Department in Regional School District #10 includes the disciplines of visual art, music, and theater, which are taught at our district’s four schools. Lake Garda Elementary School and the Harwinton Consolidated School house students in grades K-4, Har-Bur Middle School is responsible for the 5th-8th grade students, and Lewis S. Mills High School is the educational home for all students in grades 9-12.
The Regional School District #10 Visual & Performing Arts is a source of pride for both the communities of Harwinton and Burlington because of its many successes. Our visual art students are consistently the recipients of awards and scholarships as a result of their excellent artwork. Our musical ensembles have consistently earned top honors at local and national festivals, and our students are constantly selected for state and national honors ensembles.
Artes, erudio pro vita!
A Message From the Coordinator.......
Welcome to the home page of the Regional School District #10 Department of Fine Arts. It is my hope that this site gives all our visitors a sense of our program an our educational values.
The main purpose of this site is to provide information to any and all who are interested in the arts programs here in Region #10 and what classes and activities we offer our students. Whether you live in Harwinton or Burlington and are looking into what is available to you or your child as they progress through the district, or you are currently living outside the district and are considering a move into the school district, this is the place to find the information regarding the the arts in Region #10.
As is with any website, this is a work in progress, and I appreciate any suggestions you may have as it relates to this site and the Fine Arts Department in Regional School District #10.
Enjoy your visit!
John A. Deeb
Coordinator of Fine Arts
Regional School District #10
- High School Music
- High School Visual Art
- Middle School Music
- Middle School Visual Art
- Elementary Music
- Elementary Visual Art
High School Music
Lewis S. Mills Music Faculty
John A. Deeb
David Miller
Kristyn Treggor
Lewis S. Mills High School offers a variety of music courses and activities for the students in grades 9 through 12. Our performing ensembles perform at many concerts, festivals, and local community events. In addition, some or all of these ensembles travel extensively to different locations throughout the United States and abroad on a regular basis for the purpose of participating in festivals/competitions and small performing tours. Over the past several years, participation in the music program as more than quadrupled, and currently nearly one-third of the entire student population participates in the music program at Lewis Mills.
This home page was designed for two reasons. The first is to deliver information regarding our department and to provide an overview of our program to the general public. Second and most importantly, is to provide a central location for our students and their parents where they may find out specific information about concerts, events, trips and any other music department activity. By doing this we hope to cut down on our communication costs as it relates to mass mailings and distribution of paper schedules and other information of importance to Lewis Mills music students and their parents and guardians. Through this web site, students and their parents have access to schedules, permission forms, policies, uniform information, musical recordings and fundraising information
While we are proud of our music department and this website as well as the information we provide for our students, their families and the general public, we realize that a quality website is always a work in progress. We are always eager to hear your comments as they relate to our site, and any suggestions regarding other information that should be included. Please send all comments to the Coordinator of Visual & Performing Arts and please enjoy your visit to our home on the World-Wide Web.
What process is required to create a quality musical performance?
How is music constructed?
How is musical expression reflected in society and the individual?
Music has been and continues to be an integral part of world culture, and is essential to a complete education for all students. It is unique to humankind that individuals are enriched through the ability to develop and appreciate the arts, and through music we gain an understanding of our society and the societies of others.
Every individual has musical aptitude, and it is important to the growth of each person to explore that potential. The processes of creating, performing and responding to music enhance the development of higher order thinking skills as they relate to self-discipline, organization and responsibility. In addition, students acquire interpersonal skills and learn the importance of cooperative achievement. These tools assist in living and working in a diverse society.
High School Visual Art
Lewis S. Mills Visual Art Faculty
Mark Woodcox Foundations & 3D Art |
Jennifer Wyzykowski Foundations & 2D Art |
Lewis S. Mills High School is proud of its visual art program. One of the most popular elective programs at Mills, the art curriculum offers a wide variety of courses and activities to all of the 9-12 student population. In addition there are also courses that will set the serious art student on a professional track toward developing a personal visual art portfolio as well as preparing them for admission to college for art or art education.
All of our art teaching staff members are current practicing professional artists. This gives the students and additional perspective and allows the staff members to bring another unique aspect to their classes and other interaction with the students.
Our art students have opportunities to show their work through the school art shows and other school activities. In addition, there are other vehicles for the showing of art work such as the CAEA Scholastic Art Awards Program.
While we are proud of this site and the information we provide for our students, their families and the general public, we realize that a quality website is always a work in progress. We will strive to keep the information we post as current as possible and will continually make improvements to the site as best as we can. Please remember that we are always eager to hear your comments as they relate to our site, and any suggestions regarding other information that should be included. Please send all comments to the Coordinator of Fine Arts and/or our Webmaster and please enjoy your visit to our home on the World-Wide Web.
The visual arts play a key role in forming the educational experience of all children. Art is fundamental to developing the life skills of problem solving, thinking, and decision making. When students appreciate the importance of the arts in expressing human experiences, art becomes a fundamental part of the fabric of their lives. By developing an appreciation for past and present art forms, students acquire deeper understandings of our own and other cultures. Students learn through art how to describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate their own and others art work. Experiences in the visual arts nurture professional work ethics while helping students acquire communication skills. The visual arts create connections to our past and a path to our future.
How do artists communicate through their artwork?
How do artists solve visual problems?
What methods do artists use to describe, analyze, interpret and evaluate their own and others artwork?
How do artists make connections to other cultures?
How do artists develop a professional work ethic?
Middle School Music
The Har-Bur Middle School Music Department offers a wide breadth of general music and ensemble opportunities for students in grades five through eight. Classroom music is offered to all students in grades six and eight, regardless of participation in a performing ensemble, as a part of the Unified Arts rotation within the curriculum. Performing ensemble offerings include Choir and Band for fifth and sixth grade students, and Concert Choir, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, and Symphonic Bands for grade 7 and 8 students. In addition to these graded courses, extra-curricular offerings include instrumental chamber groups, as well as participation in the Connecticut Music Educator’s Northern Region Middle School Music Festival, and the ASBDA festival for 8th grade band students.
This home page was designed for two reasons. First, to deliver information regarding our department and to provide an overview of our program to the general public. Second, to provide a central location to our students and their parents where they may find out specific information about concerts, events, trips and any other activity.
What process is required to create a quality musical performance?
How is music constructed?
How is musical expression reflected in society and the individual?
Music has been and continues to be an integral part of world culture, and is essential to a complete education for all students. It is unique to humankind that individuals are enriched through the ability to develop and appreciate the arts, and through music we gain an understanding of our society and the societies of others.
Every individual has musical aptitude, and it is important to the growth of each person to explore that potential. The processes of creating, performing and responding to music enhance the development of higher order thinking skills as they relate to self-discipline, organization and responsibility. In addition, students acquire interpersonal skills and learn the importance of cooperative achievement. These tools assist in living and working in a diverse society.
Middle School Visual Art
The Visual Art Department at Har-Bur Middle School is part of the "Unified Arts" Team and serves all students in grades 5-8. Art instruction is delivered to all Har-Bur students everyday for approximately ten weeks.
We hope you find this page useful. Please send all comments to the Coordinator of Fine Arts enjoy your visit to our home on the World-Wide Web.
How do artists communicate through their artwork?
How do artists solve visual problems?
What methods do artists use to describe, analyze, interpret and evaluate their own and others artwork?
How do artists make connections to other cultures?
How do artists develop a professional work ethic?
Fifth Grade Art
Fifth grade Art meets all year, 3 out of 6 days. During their time in Art, students will focus on the following:
•Reading and writing about the different periods in Art History and cultures
•Viewing art reproductions
•Engaging in group discussions
•Developing basic skills
•Emphasizing their creativity
•Solving problems and finding multiple solutions to visual concepts
•Using a wide variety of materials, methods, and techniques
•Exploring major categories and subject matter
•Making connections between art and their daily lives.
All the students’ different levels and learning styles are accommodated and we encourage their personal growth and development in a positive environment. Further information can be found on the art teacher’s website.
Sixth Grade UA Art
Sixth Grade Art Class meets four out of six days of the scheduled rotation for one quarter (marking period) of the school year. During their time in UA Art, the students will focus on the following:
•Developing basic skills in art
•Studying art history
•Engaging in studio experiences based on the elements of art and principles of design
•Using a variety of materials and techniques
•Emphasizing their creativity
•Solving problems and finding multiple solutions to visual concepts
•Evaluating their own artwork as they begin to self-assess
•Making connections to art and their daily lives.
All the students’ different levels and learning styles are accommodated and we encourage their personal growth and development in a positive environment. Further information can be found on the art teacher’s website.
All sixth grade students at Har-Bur Middle School will take Sixth Grade UA Art.
Seventh Grade UA Art
Seventh Grade Art Class meets four out of six days of the scheduled rotation for one quarter (marking period) of the school year. During their time in UA Art, the students will focus on the following:
•Developing basic skills in art
•Studying art history and cultures
•Engaging in studio experiences based on the elements of art and principles of design
• Using a variety of materials and techniques
•Emphasizing their creativity
•Solving problems and finding multiple solutions to visual concepts
•Evaluating their own artwork through self-assessment
•Making connections to art and their daily lives.
All the students’ different levels and learning styles are accommodated and we encourage their personal growth and development in a positive environment. Further information can be found on the art teacher’s website.
All seventh grade students at Har-Bur Middle School will take Seventh Grade UA Art.
Eighth Grade UA Art
Eighth Grade Art Class meets four out of six days of the scheduled rotation for one quarter (marking period) of the school year. During their time in UA Art, the students will focus on the following:
•Developing basic skills in art
•Studying art history
•Engaging in studio experiences based on the elements of art and principles of design
•Using a variety of materials and techniques
•Emphasizing their creativity
•Solving problems and finding multiple solutions to visual concepts
•Evaluating their own artwork through self-assessment
•Making connections to art and their daily lives.
All the students’ different levels and learning styles are accommodated and we encourage their personal growth and development in a positive environment. Further information can be found on the art teacher’s website.
All eighth grade students at Har-Bur Middle School will take Eighth Grade UA Art.
Elementary Music
In Regional School District #10 we take great pride in our elementary school music departments. As in our visual art classes, we have a music specialist in each of our elementary schools teaching classroom music and chorus to all K-4 students. In addition we have a full time instrumental teacher who teaches beginning instrumental lessons and band to any and all interested grade four students.
Classroom music meets once per week for forty-five minutes for all youngsters in grades K-4. Chorus is offered to any interested fourth grade students once per week for forty-five minutes during the first half of the year. Those students in grade four who elect instrumental music are given a thirty-minute group lesson once per week all year long in addition to an approximately forty-five minute band rehearsal once per week for the second half of the school year. Both of these performing ensembles perform in at least one evening concert per year as well as performances during the day for the school community.
• Encourage children to listen and evaluate different types of music through
the radio, your preferences, professional performances and school concerts.
• Encourage your fourth grade student to participate in school band and
• Help to see that each student in grade 3 practices their recorder regularly
and the same for all fourth grade students on their respective band
Music has been and continues to be an integral part of world culture, and is essential to a complete education for all students. It is unique to humankind that individuals are enriched through the ability to develop and appreciate the arts, and through music we gain an understanding of our society and the societies of others.
Every individual has musical aptitude, and it is important to the growth of each person to explore that potential. The processes of creating, performing and responding to music enhance the development of higher order thinking skills as they relate to self-discipline, organization and responsibility. In addition, students acquire interpersonal skills and learn the importance of cooperative achievement. These tools assist in living and working in a diverse society.
How does music help us express who we are?
What are the elements that make up musical sounds?
Elementary Visual Art
We are very proud of our elementary school visual art department in Regional School District #10. Students receive art instruction once per week for forty-five minutes in grades K-4. Each of our two elementary schools boasts their own highly qualified art specialist who not only teaches art classes but also organizes at least one art show each year which features student work throughout the entire building. Enrichment activities are
The following concepts and skills are be covered in all K-4 art classes:
Texture, color, line, shape, space, self-awareness and self-awareness in their environment (K-1), balance (2-4), pattern (K-3), repetition/non-pattern (K-3), repetition/rhythm (4), landscape, seascape (2-4), interior (2-5), still life (2-4), human figure, portrait, non-objective, abstract (2-4), animals, illustration (K-3), 3-dimensional, art history, art criticism and aesthetics.
Drawing, painting, printmaking, weaving (K-4), sewing/stitchery (K-4), cutting, tearing, pasting/gluing, sculpting (2-4), hand building with clay, and creating art on the computer (4) are included among the skills that are taught our elementary art classes.
Art educators at Lake Garda and Harwinton Consolidated Schools encourage their students to express their creativity, solve problems, and be the best they can be. Students are exposed to famous artists and art work, discuss when in history the art was created and try to get the students thinking about the “essential questions” in art.
• Giving children a place to work at home (a place they can get messy without having to worry about it).
• Always encourage and be interested in what your children are doing. Children see things differently, so it is important that they can express themselves their way. Never work on your child’s artwork. You may want to help your child, but please do so by showing him/her on a scrap piece of paper how to improve their work, and leave it up to them if they use it or not.
• Get your children to talk about their artwork. Ask them to tell you about it, what they learned doing it, what they like and dislike about it, what famous artwork they looked at in class and what art words were used to discuss it.
• Give children a place they can display their artwork and a place they can save pieces that are important to them. (So you aren’t overwhelmed with a lot of work we recommend at the end of each year have the children pick their favorite 5 pieces and create a portfolio of their work at home.)
• Guide them to see art in all that they do and see each day. Take them to see art exhibits. Take rides and comment on the beauty of the countryside, the shape of the buildings, and the fashions that surround our lives.
Support for our elementary program by the parents administrators is evident, and the community as a whole is very aware of the importance of the arts in the education process as well as in the student’s daily lives.
The visual arts play a key role in forming the educational experience of all children. Art is fundamental to developing the life skills of problem solving, thinking, and decision making. When students appreciate the importance of the arts in expressing human experiences, art becomes a fundamental part of the fabric of their lives. By developing an appreciation for past and present art forms, students acquire deeper understandings of our own and other cultures. Students learn through art how to describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate their own and others art work. Experiences in the visual arts nurture professional work ethics while helping students acquire communication skills. The visual arts create connections to our past and a path to our future.
How can we select and apply media, techniques and processes?
How can we apply the elements and organizational principles of art?
How can we select and apply ranges of subject matter, symbols and ideas?
How do we come to understand art in relation to history and cultures?
How do we reflect upon, describe, analyze, interpret and evaluate our work and the work of others?
How do people make connections between art and daily life?