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Regional School District 10

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K-12 Curriculum

The K – 12 Curriculum of RSD 10 public schools undergoes an approval process that includes the input of teams of teachers, content coordinators, administrators, and the board of education.  Before formal adoption, the following components of curriculum are developed and aligned before it becomes the taught curriculum: National and/or State Standards, Course Descriptions, Course Goals/Objectives/Desired Outcomes, Essential Questions, Unit Topics of Study, and Textbooks. 

Educators in grades K-12 are in constant collaboration in teams to review, revise and update lesson design and delivery, multi-media resources, instructional strategies, assessments, pacing/sequencing, and student experiences so that they are not only current, but also tied to best practices. This process takes place in cycles that are based on need and are in response to the learning outcomes of the units of instruction. 

As part of our digital platform, you will be able to view the following information for each unit of study: 

  • An overview of the unit; 

  • Academic, civic and social competencies associated with the unit; 

  • Essential Questions under study; and 

  • Student Learning Targets noted in the form of what students will know and be able to do as a result of their learning during the unit.  

Click here for the Curriculum Documents

To begin viewing maps,

  • Place the cursor over Browse, in the dropdown menu.
  • Click on the tab to view information about the Unit Calendar or Curriculum Map
  • Filter by Grade Level and/or Subject
  • After you’ve selected the filter(s), click on the Browse button, which will provide a list of courses that meet the criteria.