K-12 Policies
Policy Sets
- Series 1000 - Community Relations
- Series 2000 - Administration
- Series 3000 - Business & Non-Instructional Operations
- Series 4000 - Personnel
- Series 5000 - Students
- Series 6000 - Instruction
- Series 9000 - Bylaws of the Board
Series 1000 - Community Relations
P1112 News Media Relations
P1125 Referendum Materials
P1212 Volunteers
P1220 Non-discrimination (Community)
P1250 Visitors
P1251 Loitering or Causing Disturbance
P1312 Public Complaints
P1313 Smoking
P1324 Soliciting Funds from and by Students
P1325 Distribution of Material by Student
P1330 Facility Use
P1350 Deadly Weapons or Firearms
P1420 Security and Safety Plan
P1430 Automatic External Defibrillators
P1440 Pool Safety Plan
P1455 Green Cleaning Programs
P1460 Pesticide Application on School Property
P1500 Award of Diplomas to World War II Veterans
P1600 Naming of Buildings, Fields or Specific Facilities
Series 2000 - Administration
P 2100 Administrative Staff Organization
P 2131 Superintendent of Schools
P 2221 Uniform Treatment of Recruiters
P 2231 Policy and Regulation Systems
P 2250 Monitoring of Product and Process Goals
P 2410 Retention of Electronic Records and Information
P 2420 Hold on Destruction of Records (Litigation)
Series 3000 - Business & Non-Instructional Operations
P 3170 Budget Procedures and Line Item Transfers
P 3170 Budget Procedures Revised
P 3280 Gifts, Grants and Bequests to the District
P 3320 Soliciting Prices
P 3432 Budget & Expense Report
P 3434 Periodic Audit
P 3450 Monies in School Buildings
P 3453 School Activity Funds
P 3460 School Activity Funds
P 3513 Facility Use
P 3513.2 Use of Athletic Fields
P 3513.3 Dogs on School Grounds
P 3514 Disposal of Obsolete or Surplus Equipment or Materials
P 3517 Sex Offender on School Property
P 3542.33 Food Sales by Students, Others
P 3542.34 Free Lunch, Reduced Price Meal and Milk Program
P 3545 Code of Conduct for Federal Procurements
P 3550 IDEA Fiscal Compliance
P 3560 Nutrition Services Charging Policy
Series 4000 - Personnel
P4001 Hiring of Certified Staff
P4001.2 Hiring of Non-Certified Staff
P4002 Code of Ethics
P4003 Nepotism
P4010 Alcohol Tobacco and Drug-Free Workplace
P4021 Employee Use of District Computer Systems
P4111 Recruitment and Selection
P4111.1 Employment and Student Teacher Checks
P4111.2 Fingerprinting, Criminal Background Check
P4112.6 Personnel Records
P4117 FMLA
P4118.1 Non-discrimination Personnel
P4118.2 Sex Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace
P4118.16 FMLA
P4119 Child Abuse or Neglect Reporting
P4120 Abuse or Neglect of Disabled Adults
P4121 Athletic Coaches Evaluation and Termination
P4122 Section 504_ADA Personnel
P4125 Plan for Minority Staff Recruitment
P4126 Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness
P4127 Psychotropic Drugs
P4128 Bloodborne Pathogens
P4129 Social Media
P4215 Evaluation-Supervision
P4300 Armed Security Guards
P4134 Tutoring.pdf
Series 5000 - Students
P 5100 Admission to the Public Schools At or Before Age 5
P 5110 Field Trips
P 5113 Foreign Exchange Students
P 5113.1 Nonresident Twelfth Grade Student Attendance
P 5114 Student Discipline
P 5115 Attendance Truancy and Chronic Absenteeism
P 5116 Search and Seizure
P 5117 School District Lines
P 5119 Homeless Students
P 5120 Improve FAFSA Completion Rates
P 5123 Promotion-Acceleration-Retention
P 5125 Student Records (FERPA)
P 5126 Student Privacy (PPRA)
P 5129 Fundraising Activities
P 5131 Drug and Alcohol Use by Students
P 5131.5 Vandalism
P 5132 Dress and Grooming
P 5133 Use of Private Technological Devices by Students
P 5134 Student Use of the District Computer Systems
P 5136 Pledge of Allegiance
P 5141.2 Administration of Medication
P 5141.3 Health Assessments/Screenings
P 5141.4 Immunizations
P 5141.5 Wellness
P 5141.55 Food Allergies and/or Glycogen Storage Disease
P 5141.6 Chemical Health for Student Athletes
P 5141.7 Sunscreen Application in School
P 5142 Suicide Prevention and Intervention
P 5143 Recess and Play Based Learning
P 5144 Restraint and Seclusion
P 5145.4 Child Sex Abuse or Assault Response and Reporting
P 5146 Non-discrimination (Students)
P 5147 Section 504/ADA (Students)
P 5149 Education Stability Procedures
P 5150 Title IX Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
P 5152 Bullying and Safe School Climate Plan
P 5541 Transportation
P 5541.2 Transportation Policy
p 5541.3 Transportation by Private Vehicles for School
P 5541.5 Transportation Complaints
P 5541.6 Transportation for Vocational Education
P 5541.7 Transportation to After-School Meetings
P 5541.8 Video Surveillance
P 5541.9 Standard of Conduct on School Buses
Series 6000 - Instruction
P 6100 Advanced Course or Program/Challenging Curriculum
P 6110 Weighted Grading
P 6114 Fire and Crisis Response Drills
P 6145.2 Interscholastic Athletics
P 6145.5 School Clubs and Activities
P 6146 Graduation Requirements
P 6146.1 Graduation Credit from Another School
P 6146.3 Early Graduation
P 6147 Idea - Alternative Assessments
P 6148 Credit for Online Courses
P 6155 Curricular Exemptions
P 6161 Selection Learning Resource Materials
P 6161.2 Care of Instructional Materials
P 6161.3 Comparability of Programs
P 6162 Showing of Multi-Media Resources to Students
P 6200 Adult Education
P 6210 Parental Access to Instructional Material
P 6212 Parent-Teacher Communication
P 6214 Parent and Family Engagement Policy (Title I)
P 6300 Promotion and Retention
P 6400 Homework Policy
Series 9000 - Bylaws of the Board
P 9000 Role of Board and Members
P 9010 Limits of Authority
P 9015 Transaction of Business
P 9120 BOE Election Bylaw
P 9120.1 Removal of Board Officers
P 9121 Official Duties - Chairperson
P 9122 Official Duties - Vice Chairperson
P 9123 Official Duties - Secretary
P 9124 Official Duties - Treasurer
P 9130 Committees
P 9221 Filling Vacancies
P 9230 Orientation of Board Members
P 9250 Reimbursement of Board Member Expenses
P 9270 Conflict of Interest
P 9272 Code of Conduct for Board Members
P 9275 Oath of Office
P 9311 Board Policies (Adoption or Revision)
P 9313 Board Regulations (Adoption or Revision)
P 9314 Board Bylaws (Adoption or Revision)
P 9316 Suspension of Policies, Bylaws or Regulations
P 9321 Time, Place and Notice of Meetings
P 9322 Public Meetings and Executive Session
P 9323 Construction and Posting of Agenda
P 9325 Meeting Conduct
P 9326 Minutes
P 9327 Quorum and Voting Procedures